Speciality Areas
Feeling uneasy or on edge? Anxiety is the most common reason for seeking counseling.

Symptoms of anxiety can include:​
a feeling of being “on edge” – nervousness or tension
anticipating danger or panic
tense muscles
feelings of being weak or tiredness
Uncontrollable worry
increased irritability
difficulty concentrating
memory problems
unable to think about things other than current worry
falling and staying asleep
inability to avoid “things” that trigger anxiety
Addiction and Recovery
Have a bad habit? Whether it relates to alcohol, shopping, or drugs, help is available. Are your bad habits controlling you?

People who are addicted find themself addicted for a number of reasons which include:
Escape from emotional and physical pain
To obtain pleasurable feelings
The avoidance of loneliness and/or abandonment
The desire to "fit in"
Feeling low and hopeless? Counseling can help with the causes and effects of depression.

Depression symptoms can vary from mild to severe and occur most of the day, nearly every day, for a minimum of two weeks:
Feeling sadness, tearfulness, emptiness, or hopelessness
Angry outbursts, irritability, or frustration
Loss of interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyed
Changes in appetite
Trouble sleeping or sleeping too much
Tiredness or lack of energy
Feeling worthless, guilt, focus on past failures or self-blame
Difficulty thinking, concentrating, or making decisions
Reoccurring thoughts of death or suicidal thoughts, suicidal attempts, or suicide
Pained by a loss? Counseling can support you at this difficult time.

Grief is a natural response to the loss of life, pets, freedom, relationships, employment, finance, dreams, home, loss of safety, way of life/routine, a scared possession, or health. Any type of loss can trigger the grieving process. Bereavement is the process of grieving.
Not getting along? Relationship problems are common and can be improved with counseling.

Changes from healthy to unhealthy relationships can be a result of:​
abuse, (physical, mental, or emotional)
poor communication, (verbal and non-
controlling behaviors
patterns of disrespect
lack of boundaries
lack of conflict management
intimacy problems
possible external factors
Stress Management
Stressed out? Life puts many demands on us - counseling can offer a way to better cope.

Stress can come from many sources, which are root causes called “stressors.” Stress is a natural mental and physical reaction to events in our lives.
Typically, stressors occur because of feeling a sense of loss of control over something. Although exciting events such as having a baby, planning a wedding, buying a house, and starting a new job can also cause symptoms of stress.
Other Specialties
Bariatric Program

Bariatric Program